Take a look how recycling works
ENVIROPOL is a leading processor of electrical waste in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Germany. We are a reliable partner in all areas of e-waste management, from service and consultancy to processing and trade in metals and separated waste.
We help save the environment
We process 70,000 tonnes of e-waste per year
We operate processing lines for small electrical equipment, TV and PCM, light sources and large household appliances.
material recovery
Technologically advanced and environmentally friendly processing enables us to use up to 95% of the e-waste we process.
We save 124,640 kg of CO2 every year
The technology used in our processing plants includes particulate extractors, wastewater treatment plants and regular monitoring of the quality of the output fractions.
Processing of electrical waste
Cu cables
Cu granulates
Pm concentrates
We resell the output material
We will buy your electrical waste
from you
What's happening in our company
We are a leader in the industry
We regularly undergo
a demanding audit of our
e-waste treatment process.
ENVIROPOL holds the internationally recognised WEEELABEX certification, which proves that we manage hazardous substances and efficiently recycle electrical waste in accordance with the law.
One of the objectives of the standard is to ensure the greatest possible separation of individual materials that are suitable for further use in production.

Pravidelně procházíme náročným auditem procesu zpracování elektroodpadu.
ENVIROPOL je držitelem mezinárodně uznávané certifikace WEEELABEX, která dokládá zákonné nakládání s nebezpečnými látkami a zároveň efektivní recyklací elektroodpadu.
Jedním z cílů normy je maximálně možná separace jednotlivých materiálů, které jsou vhodné k dalšímu využití ve výrobě.